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Seasonal skipass

$('.js-shoptab-description-0 :is(h1, h2, h3, h4, h5)').each(function() { $(this).css('color', '#808b94'); });
0)); var arrayOfValidDates = []; if (hasAvailDates || minDate != null) { var first_date = null; if (availDates == 'all') { first_date = new Date(); first_date = first_date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); } if (hasAvailDates && availDates != 'all') { for (var j = 0; j < availDates.length; j++) { var date = new Date(availDates[j]); date = date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); if (j === 0 && first_date == null) first_date = date; var d = new Date(date); arrayOfValidDates.push( (1900 + d.getYear()) + "-" + ((1 + d.getMonth()) < 10 ? '0' : '') + (1 + d.getMonth()) + "-" + (d.getDate() < 10 ? '0' : '') + d.getDate() ); } } var date_minDate = null; if (minDate != null) { date_minDate = new Date(minDate); date_minDate = date_minDate.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); if (first_date == null || date_minDate < first_date) first_date = date_minDate; } }else if (typeof availDates != typeof undefined && availDates == null && minDate == null) { } } function filter_listener() { ZoStrap.$('[name="bookable_y_n_a"], [name="pool_id"]') .on('change', function (event) { filterChange(event.target); }); ZoStrap.$('#js-buy-header-filters-form-reset-btn').on('click', function () { var filter_container = ZoStrap.$('#js-shoptab-filters'); filter_container.find('#pool_id').val(null); filter_container.find(".js-zs-chosen-select.multiselect").multiselect_checkbox('reset'); filter_container.find(".js-zs-chosen-select.select").val(null); filter_container.find(".js-zs-chosen-select.select").chosen().trigger('chosen:updated'); filter_container.find(".radio").prop('checked',false); countFilterActive(); init_filter(); load_tickets(); }); } function filterChange(elem) { if (elem.value != '') { countFilterActive(); } load_tickets(); } function filter_position() { var node_container; if (ZoStrap.isMobile()) { ZoStrap.$('.js-shoptab-filters-open_modal').removeClass('js-hide'); node_container = ZoStrap.$('#js-shoptab-filters-modal .modal__body')[0]; } else { ZoStrap.$('.js-shoptab-filters-open_modal').addClass('js-hide'); node_container = ZoStrap.$('#js-shoptab-filters-wrapper')[0]; } var node_elem = ZoStrap.$('#js-shoptab-filters')[0]; if (typeof node_container !== typeof undefined && typeof node_elem !== typeof undefined) { node_container.appendChild(node_elem); } } App.pageSetUp(function () { ZoStrap.binder(); if (ZoStrap.$('#js-shoptab-filters fieldset').length === 0) { ZoStrap.$('#js-buy-header-filters-form-reset-btn, #js-shoptab-filters-wrapper').addClass('js-hide'); } else { ZoStrap.$('#js-buy-header-filters-form-reset-btn, #js-shoptab-filters-wrapper').removeClass('js-hide'); } ZoStrap.loadScript('plugins/jQuery-MultiSelect-2.4.15/jquery.multiselect.js','multiselectcheckbox', function(){ ZoStrap.loadScript('plugins/chosen-1.8.7/chosen.jquery.js','chosen', function(){ init_filter(); ZoStrap.$('.js-buy-header-filters-dataprofile').find('input, select, .js-zs-chosen-select').not('[name="bookable_y_n_a"], [name="filter_date"], [name="pool_id"]').on('change', function() { filterDataField(); }); }); }); filter_listener() ZoStrap.$(document).off('ZoStrap-resize', null, filter_position).on('ZoStrap-resize', null, null, filter_position); filter_position(); countFilterActive(); });
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Buy your Pila WEEKDAY seasonal skipass online, and you can pick it up at our ticket offices on the first day you go skiing.
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const newTitle = "Seasonal skipass"; document.getElementsByTagName('title')[0].innerText = newTitle + ' | ' + document.getElementsByTagName('title')[0].innerText; document.querySelector('meta[name="description"]').setAttribute("content", "Buy your Pila WEEKDAY seasonal skipass online, and you can pick it up at our ticket offices on the first day you go skiing. ");